Ark Church

New Harvest Church

A family church in Beverley town centre where everyone is made welcome.

We are a family of believers who love the Lord and care for each other. The church family consists of people of all ages from various backgrounds. Our vision is to live in the Faith, Love and Power of Jesus Christ and to share His love with all people. Our aim is to reach out into the local community, especially in the Swinemoor Estate of Beverley.

Church leadership team - John, Janet, June, Hilary and Trevor (Minister)

What's on each week?

Sundays 11:00am
Our weekly informal service of worship, teaching and prayer. We also hold a children's Sunday School in the morning and a family service on the first Sunday of the month.

House groups Mondays 1.30 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 pm.
Prayer meeting 1st Tuesday in the month
(contact us below for more details)

Special events will be posted below here.

Come back here for news of special events during the year to bless our town and its people!

We believe...

+ in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

+ that God is our Maker, Creator of all things and our loving heavenly Father. He wants a relationship with us, His children, through His Son Jesus Christ, who lived, died and rose again and ascended into heaven to be with His Father

+ that one day Jesus will return and take His bride, the Church, to be with Him forever

+ in the Holy Spirit, who was sent on the Day of Pentecost to empower His disciples and who continues to abide in all Christians who are born again and have a relationship with God

+ the Church is the hands, feet and voice of Christ on earth today

How to find us

We hold our meetings at CLGB HQ, 4 George Street,
Beverley HU17 0AP

You can contact us at :

Email -

Phone - 01482 862932 or 01482 873870

New Harvest Church Beverley is a local non-denominational church
and a member of Churches Together Beverley

We are members of the Evangelical Alliance

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